Reason #2 (#11) for Getting Married

Somewhere, out in the wilds of The Big City, in a one-room studio apartment, curled up in bed feeling sick and feverish, is a lonely Young Lady who wants her mommy.

“This is why people have flatmates,” I suggested. “So they can serve you chicken soup.” Okay, maybe not. I’ve never actually heard of someone serving their roomie chicken soup. Or otherwise pampering them for being sick. (Then again, how would I?) Which may be why the YL replied, “Or get married.”

“Reason #11?” I asked.

“Reason #2,” she answered. I think the exigencies of her  condition may have contributed to an artificial inflation there. But it’s definitely on the list.

17 thoughts on “Reason #2 (#11) for Getting Married

  1. Just wait till her future husband falls ill, himself. Women like to say that men are wimps when it comes to fever, sniffles, aches and pains. I don’t buy that, of course, but a kernel of truth?

  2. Can we get the updated list posted?
    Or is it only available upon completion?
    Some of us are losing track… (I’m sure I’m not the only one)

  3. Good luck with that. I’m not sure husbands are known for their chicken soup serving skills. My roommates were much more helpful in that department than my husband is.

  4. Good luck with that. I’m not sure husbands are known for their chicken soup serving skills.

    I think she just means she’d like some TLC – even if it is not in chicken soup form. 🙂

  5. Hey, my husband cooks great chicken soup! And dispenses tylenol nicely too.
    But my roommate did feed me chicken soup one time- and I did the same (not at the same time period).

  6. Oh, people. People, people. In typical commenter form, nearly all of you missed the point. Like Erachet said — it’s not all about the soup.

  7. did you know that baltimore has a chicken soup gemach for days like that when you just want chicken soup to make you feel better? how cool is that!

  8. I once made chicken soup for a girl I was dating. Or maybe for a girl I wanted to date. The details are fuzzy. We then went out once or twice… We are now married, but not to each other. Still friends, though.

  9. About the too loud music problem… I asked the musicians at my daughters’ weddings not to play too loud and asked them to tone down during the simcha, but they did not listen to me….probably because the music was too loud for them to hear me.

  10. (In yeshiva,)I’ve brought sick roommates breakfast, lunch, or supper many times when they were not able to go to the dining hall/kitchen, and I’ve also brought them movies and laptops (if they didn’t have their own) to help pass the time stuck sick in bed. It goes without saying that I had to (gladly) tolerate the shades being closed and the room being dark at all different times of the day.

    But that’s what roommates do. The good ones, at least.

  11. Pingback: Reasons for Getting Married « Bad for Shidduchim

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